BAT FIGHT with Will Ferrell


with Will Ferrell, Craig Robinson

The video opens with a montage sequence of images from a parking lot.
Craig Robinson pops up from the inside of dumpster wearing a headband.
Will Ferrell steps out from behind a car. Will Ferrell is dressed in
business attire and sporting a bleach blonde wig. Craig Robinson climbs
out of the dumpster. Will Ferrell and Craig Robinson are both carrying
wooden baseball bats. Will Ferrell and Craig Robinson approach one
another and square off in the parking lot for some time. Throughout the
duration of most of the video, the shots of Craig Robinson and Will
Ferrell are interspersed with solo images of Will Ferrell, in business
attire costume, singing. Will Ferrell’s song can be heard through most
of the video.

Staff picks
bat fight, Will Ferrell, It's a Game, jake szymanski, Craig Robinson, East Bound and Down, Eastbound and Down, bats, ashley, schaeffer, BMW, fight, blood, violent, battle, showdown, Face Off