will.i.am - Will.I.Am -

WE LOVE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT!In the summer of 2005, Madagascar scored big with both domestic andinternational audiences, racking up more than half-a-billion at the worldwide box office,making it the top family comedy of the year. Once the fancy-footed lion, a quick talkingzebra, an anxiety-ridden giraffe and a smart n saucy hippo were released into theatersaround the globe, these four New York friends—better known as Alex, Marty, Melmanand Gloria—became the most popular quartet of the season.Writer/director Eric Darnell remembers being relieved by the reception ofMadagascar, but not really that surprised. He says, Madagascar was a successbecause it had these entertaining and enjoyable characters that people could identifywith—they also connected with them on a human level. And despite their flaws, theirissues, their anxieties, whatever problems they may be facing, you always empathize withthem and want them to come through.Writer/director Tom McGrath continues, We just fell in love with the charactersthat we created along with Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer and Jada PinkettSmith—and clearly, everyone else did, too. We had this great ensemble cast that we justtotally loved. We took on the theme of civility versus savagery and turned that into afriendship story about these zoo animals, when their bonds were tested once they got intoMadagascar: Escape 2 Africa Production Information 3the wild. Even at the time we ended the first movie—before it became this huge hit—wewere thinking that we could do so much more with these characters.Producer Mireille Soria also reasons, There is something about the design thatpeople love. And I think thats part of it—theyre very graphic—along with being smartand funny. The first movie was about the importance of friendship and what it means tobe a good friend. One of the things that is so great about New York is its diversity, andthat is reflected in our group—a lion, a giraffe, a zebra and a hippo who are best friends.And that was something we thought we could explore even further. And we could alsocelebrate that.will.i.am comments, Madagascar is one of our favorite movies. I think Iveseen it, like, 500 times. We were in Johannesburg, in the airport, and our tour managersays, Cmon, guys, we gotta move it, move it! Like the crew, everybody, we use moveit, move it all the time. Its like our whole familys favorite movie by far.Once signed, it was a natural progression that will should collaborate withOscar®-winning composer Hans Zimmer on the Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa scoreand songs, duties which he also assumedsort of on the spot.The recording artist found himself in the voiceover studio (as any actor wouldvoicing an animated character). The moment when his character rises out of the waterand first glimpses Gloria was on the page in front of him. will.i.am thought it would befun to rhyme something—and someone in the session suggested that this special firstmoment should feature a song.for more clips and interviews, log onto:http://www.blacktree.tv
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