All Chicago Gay Hockey Assn. Wants for Christmas


Special Cover of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas
This video comes with a special holiday message:

The players of the CGHA have a very special holiday message for you!
We want you to put aside your differences. And to spend some time getting closer to your family and friends. If you take a step back and look, you may surprise yourself with how much you have in common with people. The person next to you on the train could become your best friend. After all, aren't we all just looking for love? Don't forget to laugh a little. And sing a little. Happy Holidays y'all!

The Chicago Gay Hockey Association (CGHA) is Chicago's Official gay hockey organization. The CGHA is a registered 501c-3 organization. | @ChiGayHockey

Our mission is to provide a non-discriminatory environment within the hockey community. We encourage all people with a passion for ice hockey -- novice or pro, male or female, straight or gay -- to contact us and learn to skate, play on our team, volunteer for social events, come to the games, and join our organization.

Filmed by Glam Tie Media - @glamtiemedia

Produced and Directed by Stephen Leonard of Vicious Muse | - @stephen7leonard

All Chicago Gay Hockey Assn. Wants for Christmas

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