Jamie Kent - All American Mutt [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]


Video Directed by Glenn Sweitzer. The first single from Jamie Kent's album "All American Mutt", due out Oct 19th 2016. Produced by Dave Brainard. To purchase track, hear more music, or find upcoming tour dates, visit: www.jamiekent.com.

All American Mutt
(Jamie Kent/Dave Brainard/Tim Jackson)

We got blue eyes and brunettes,
Rainbows and rednecks,
Good thing we’re in the land of the free.
We got Scottish Jewish,
Christian Buddhist,
And that’s just the branches of my family tree.

Here I stand in these genes,
All kinds of blood in this here stream.
The many dreams that have been chased,
Well I wear ‘em on my face.
There’s so many cloths from which I’m cut,
Just call me an all American mutt.

We got Republicans and Democrats,
That get along like dogs and cats,
There’s all kinds of crazy in my crowd.
We got athletes and hippies,
They’re all somewhere within me,
I may not be perfect but I’m proud.

Here I stand in these genes,
All kinds of blood in this here stream.
The many dreams that have been chased,
Well I wear ‘em on my face.
There’s so many cloths from which I’m cut,
Just call me an all American mutt.

We’re all dreamers outsiders
Lovers and fighters
Footprints made by every kind of shoe.
We may not all agree on,
The colors that we see,
They all make up that red white and blue.

Here we stand in these genes,
All kinds of blood in this here stream.
The many dreams that have been chased,
Well we wear ‘em on our face.
There’s so many cloths from which we’re cut,
Just call us all American mutts.

Available on iTunes, Spotify, and just about anywhere else you look!

Rock and Alternative Pop
#jamiekent, jamie kent, jewish, scottish, christian, #trump, #america, american mutt, republicans, democrats, hippies, crazy, election day, vote, music video, rock, pop