Eurovision - Robin Stjernberg - You (Sweden) impression of second rehearsal


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22-year-old Robin Stjernberg has quickly written Swedish television history twice.The first time in 2011 when he came in second in the Idol final with 48% of the votes, the smallest margin in the programme's history. The second time in March 2013 when he was the first artist ever who went through the "Second Chance" to win the Swedish final in Melodifestivalen. Yes, Robin Stjernberg is undoubtedly something extraordinary.

Robin Stjernberg took home the historic win in the 2013 Melodifestivalen with You, a song that he himself have been involved in writing. Never before has an artist from the "Second Chance" round taken home the victory in the competition. But Robin managed the impossible on paper and went straight through the screen and into the TV sofas with his charisma, authenticity and ability to move people.

"It's true feelings, I do not go in and just put on a show. The text is about my family and my friends, how it all started, how we rigged a scene in the basement and how my dad and my aunt looked at when I was singing."

Robin was a performer already in kindergarten and loved to entertain his friends dressed up in different outfits. While growing up in Hässleholm he listened to music like AC / DC, Stevie Wonder and the Backstreet Boys and participated in countless talent competitions. But despite that it's just music for Robin today, it wasn't always clear that it would be so. As a teenager, he was a promising wrestler but was forced to choose a path. It became music.

In ninth grade, he was handpicked to become a member of the boyband What's Up? (which even Eric Saade was in). He also studied music at Furuboda Folkhögskola, a coveted training with many applicants and few open spots. During his audition for Idol he completely blew the juryaway and showed through the programme vocal abilities that stood in a class by itself.

"I want to be a performer who affects people. One that is true to Robin, nothing artificial."

When his debut album "My Version" was released in 2012, it went straight into number one on the album charts. Robin Stjernberg exudes something genuine. With his charisma and his voice, that sends shivers down your back, he has taken Sweden by storm. Now it's Europe's turn.
