Vitalic - Stamina - KILL THE CALORIES!

Winner 'Best Video' -- SXSW 2013
Welcome to "Kill Those Calories!" NSFW ...and thanks to every talented person that worked on this project!
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Directed by: Saman Kesh

Written by: Saman Kesh & Nate Eggert
Detective: Chris Black
Workout Guy: John Ennis
Cinematographer: Isaac Bauman
Editor: Saman Keshavarz
Producer: Sarah Park
Visual FX & Graphics: Matt Chiang, Sean Chang
Additional Graphics: Cosimo Galluzzi
Art Director: Morgan Gillio
Wardrobe: Megan Thompson
Special FX / Makeup: George Troester
Assistant Director: Kyle Shea
Additional Editing: Terry Huynh
Executive Producer: Laura Tunstall
Colorist: Kurt Nishimura
1st AC: Corbett Jones
Gaffer: Megan Richardson
Key Grip: Dyron Pacheco
Steadicam: Aaron Smith
2nd AC: Evan Scott
PA (you guys rock!): Ted Marsden, Zach Kornfeld
Commissioner: John Moule
Production Company: Pulse Films

8-Bit Chiptune by: rap2h

Special Thanks: Caviar Content, Art Center College of Design, Jonathan Benner, Joey Ross, Sam Sascha Keshavarz, David Lewandowski, Ryan Reichenfeld, Keith Schofield, Bobby Styles, Luke Stapleton, Lanette Phillips and those cops that popped us but let us go :)
Dance- Rave-Electronic