Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin

Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters Ive written,
Never meaning to send.

Beauty Id always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I cant say anymore.

cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.

Gazing at people,
Some hand in hand,
Just what Im going thru
They can understand.

Some try to tell me
Thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be
You will be in the end,

And I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.

Nights in white satin,
Never reaching the end,
Letters Ive written,
Never meaning to send.

Beauty Id always missed
With these eyes before,
Just what the truth is
I cant say anymore.

cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.

cause I love you,
Yes, I love you,
Oh, how, I love you.
Oh, how, I love you.

Alchemy, Astral Projection, Astronomy, Atlantis, Avatars, Awakening (Awakened), Ayurveda, Channeling, Chi, Christ Consciousness, Consciousness Exploration, Conspiracies, Cosmic Consciousness, Doppelgangers, Dream Yoga, Dreams, Dreamwork, Electronic Voice Phenomena, Emphathy, Energy Healing, Energy Work, Enlightenment, Esoteric, ESP, Evolution, Extraterrestrials, Feng Shui, Forests, Gaia Hypothesis, Gnosis, God, Goddess, Healing, Herbs, Hidden Knowledge, Hypnosis, Indigos, Inner-Peace, John Ryan Haule, Kabbalah, Kashmir Shaivism, Kundalini, Lemuria, Light Worker, Love, Lucid Dreaming, Meditation, Mediumship, Mental and Spiritual Healing, Metaphysical Phenomena, Metaphysics, Mind Reading, Moksha, Mountains, Music, NDE, Near-Death Experiences, New Age, Nirvana, Numerology, OBEs, Occult, Ouija Boards, Out-of-Body Experiences, Paranormal, Parapsychology, Past-Lives, Personal Transformation, Phenomenology, Philosophy, Pleiades, Positive Thinking, Prana, Psychedelics, Psychology & Counseling, Qabalah, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Physics, Raves, Reiki, Reincarnation, Remote Viewing, Robert Monroe, Samadhi, Santeria, Seances, Self-Help, Self-Realization, Shakti, Shaktipat, , Shamanism, Soul Travel, Spiritism, Spiritualism, Spirituality, Surat Shabd Yoga, Tantra, Tarot, Telepathy, The Law of Attraction, The Monroe Institute, The Secret, Tibet, Twin Flames, Unexplained Mysteries, Universalism, Vedanta, Visionary Art, Yoga
moody blues, white, satin, alchemy, astral projection, astronomy, atlantis, avatars, awakening, ayurveda, channeling, chi, christ consciousness, consciousness, exploration, conspiracies, cosmic consciousness, doppelgangers, dream yoga, dreams, dreamwork, electronic voice, phenomena, emphathy, energy healing, energy Work, enlightenment, esoteric, esp, evolution, extraterrestrials, feng shui, forests, gaia hypothesis, gnosis, god, goddess, healing, herbs, hidden knowledge, hypnosis, indigos, peace, john ryan haule, kabbalah, kashmir shaivism, kundalini, lemuria, light worker, love, lucid dreaming, meditation, mediumship, mental and spiritual healing, metaphysical phenomena, metaphysics, mind reading, moksha, mountains, nde, near death experiences, new age, nirvana, numerology, obess, occult, ouija boards, paranormal, parapsychology, phenomenology, philosophy, pleiades, positive thinking, prana, psychedelics, qabalah, quantum mechanics, quantum physics, raves, reiki, reincarnation, remote viewing, robert monroe, samadhi, santeria, seances, self sealization, shakti, shaktipat, shamanism, soul travel, spiritism, spiritualism, spirituality, surat shabd yoga, tantra, tarot, telepathy, the law of attraction, the monroe institute, the secret, tibet, twin flames, unexplained mysteries, universalism, vedanta, visionary art